Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Balance is Essential...

We get so caught up in our own daily lives that we forget... We forget that we are an insignificant part in the grand scheme of life. 

Think of a cell in your body. One single cell... 

Each of us, individually, impacts our universe less than one single cell impacts our own existence. Yet, we are arrogant (even narcissistic) in our to belief that our individual lives are unique, special even. We go through our days worrying about "stuff" and "things" like it matters. Here is the thing... it does matter... to us... to our well being.

Some people travel through their entire lives without pausing to realize the impressions they make on people. Others spend their lives trying to impact as many people as they touch without thought for themselves.

Balance is essential...

If you take some time to think about your interactions with people....

What would their perceptions be?

     Honest; Hardworking; Compassionate; Charitable; Intelligent 
-- or --
     Selfish; Cheap; Untrustworthy; Unreliable; Abusive; Abrasive

What impact will you make? 

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